For over three decades, people of diverse faiths, races and cultures around the world have found their lives, organizations and communities enriched by Charles Gibbs’ heartful, insightful and practical talks, retreats, workshops and consulting.
Uplifted, enlightened and inspired, they have realized new insights and made deeper commitments to transformative change in their own lives, in their communities and in the world.
An interfaith and intercultural activist, Charles takes joy in sharing the fruits of a life dedicated to an always-deepening inner spiritual journey and an outer life of positive engagement in the world. A deep listener, spiritual leader, poet and storyteller, Charles helps people connect with their truest selves and their highest calling.
A skilled organizational leader and consultant, Charles provides wise, visionary, practical guidance and support for organizations seeking to fulfill a high purpose and make a positive impact in the world.
Charles is happy to develop a unique talk, retreat or workshop to meet specific needs. For more information contact Charles at

The following are areas of particular interest and expertise for Charles:
- My Life is My Message – This interactive talk and/or workshop draws its inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi’s response to a reporter who asked him, What is your message? Participants are invited into deep reflection about the message they yearn to communicate with their life and are offered practical steps to help align their life as fully as possible with that message.
- The Life-Changing Gift of Gratitude – This interactive talk and/or workshop is founded in a belief that cultivating an attitude of gratitude can positively transform an individual’s life or the culture of a community by creating a greater awareness of the blessings to be claimed in each moment and through each relationship, including the challenging ones.
- Authentic Hope in a Wounded World – This interactive talk and/or workshop draws on an appreciative and creative approach to personal and organizational growth to help participants explore and cultivate the power of active imagination to help transform despair into hope and paralysis into effective action.
- The Birth of a Global Community – This interactive talk and/or workshop explores the co-creation of the United Religions Initiative, a global community where unity is a lived experience, diversity a gift to be celebrated and conflict an invitation to deeper understanding and positive transformation. Experience URI as a powerful model of the positive future we can choose. A workshop format will include experience with the powerful organizing methodology Appreciative Inquiry.
- The Art and Soul of Peacebuilding – This interactive talk and/or workshop will explore a process of peacebuilding that calls us to transcend the conflicts that ensnare us and co-create a positive future, often with those we might consider to be the enemy. This approach draws on decades of involvement in interreligious peacebuilding, with a special focus on the approach articulated by Dr. John Paul Lederach in his visionary book – The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Peacebuilding.
- Exploring the Poetry and Prayer of Each Breath – This interactive talk and/or workshop provides an experience of life-enriching mindfulness, including a range of activities to awaken our unique poetic spirit to the richness and wonder of the world within and around us.
- Poetry Reading – Charles offers readings from Light Reading: Poems from a Pilgrim Journey, either as a freestanding event or as part of a day-long workshop -- Exploring the Poetry and Prayer of Each Breath (See below).
For more information contact Charles at
During the past two decades of engagement in global interfaith and intercultural work, Charles has had the opportunity to work with and learn from innovative, globally esteemed leader-practitioners in the fields of interfaith engagement, peacebuilding and organizational development. A practical visionary, he has led visioning and planning retreats and provided consulting and coaching support to a wide range of communities, organizations and leaders around the world. For more information contact Charles at